Sunday, July 19, 2009

sitting in AC

in Deadwood, SD. This morning I awoke with an owie to my head. I made it to Laramie,Wy last night and wandered about town for a bit. Walked into the 3rd street bar and met Bo the barkeep who informed me the kitchen had just closed. So there I was finishing the one beer I was going to have and in come the Texans and then there were Jaeger shots and then came the co-eds and then came the environmentalists and... well you get the idea.

The Texans are installing windmills, the environmentalists are fighting the oil and gas companies and the students...well are angling for free booze! So there I was calling my lifeline friend, Tammy (who else will take a call at two-minutes-after-lord-knows-how-late). Anyway, twas a good time. Funny how despite our varied backgrounds, deep down we're not too terribly different. They enjoy a good drink in Laramie.

Best line from last night? From my northern Arapoha-n friend: "I'm going to get married like 10 times since my dad was married 5 and my mom 6. Those cheatin' XXXs. Besides, the bride is the center of attention at the wedding anyway and I like being the center!"

Fled up 85 past Cheyenne this morning and got to Deadwood around 130. It is hot outside and planning on waiting

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