Friday, July 17, 2009

Aaah Bryce...what a spectacular sight. Today's tour was Heber to Bryce and followed by the awesome US12 scenic highway out toward Goblin Valley. Wildfires shut down part of the park and at one point on the exit, I could certainly smell it! Heat bearable at over 9000' but down in Escalante (and later Hanksville) it was blisteringly hot. Met Ed, Pete and Jake from Rhode Island on their that is one determined group (for a good cause). Chatted for a bit...felt a bit guilty considering they were human powered and I had just bolted on the cool vest. Great guys. Now Goblin Valley on the other hand (suggested by Hillari of Missoula) was something else. I arrived late in the day and will post what pics that were passable. What a playground it is! Had the opportunity to take in one of those interminably long and beautiful desert sunsets. Naturally on the way out, I had my plenty of opportunity to dodge local variants of wannabe roadkill...prairie dogs, pronghorn antelope and some long eared bunnies.

Made it to Green River rather weary but happy. I think this was the turning point in the trip for me, now it feels like I have to make it home. I miss my cats. Stopped in at Ray's Cafe but sadly they were cleaning the grill.
Mexican owned, but otherwise traditional (honky) bar/diner. Staff seemed happy and was a little sad I didn't stay for more than a beer, the young fellas were hoping for a story... or at least some distraction from the nipple twisting waitress. Dinner at the 24hr truck stop instead...complete with vintage Billy Ocean over the PA system. The waitresses were nice enough but it felt surreal....kinda like a scene out of the movie 'Brazil'. The kitchen door swings open and I hear a much happier spanish tune blasting out the kitchen boom box. Unlike Montana, the local hispanic community is, apparently, thriving here.

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