I' d planned on revisiting the factory but backed out at the last minute. Instead I elected toouble check with the truck people (no one home yesterday) to make sure all was in order. Indeed it was. Had enough time to take a quick tour of the engine facility, where they build, among others...the Buell engines. Our guide for the morning, Michelle, is certainly one for her job; gregarious, informative and an overall model people-person. I have much to learn. The factory is impressive. Neat and orderly, and while I didn't see ISO banners or tacky QC slogans slathered on posts or walls...the place would certainly qualify. Having been to numerous factories, including Chrysler's Viper plant, the Corvette plant, Bombardier's metal shop and a number of board shops, I dare say they are on par with the best I've seen. Taking raw forgings to machined, finished parts is dirty, messy work.... but, as I said, spick and span.
The bike certainly felt tighter...throttle response, not surprisingly, now restored to the direct-connection feel. Accidentally pulled a wheelie later...must be careful. Off to the ferry I go and we sail for Muskegon across lake Michigan. The ride is smooth and along the way I get to chat with some other riders, two sisters Gail and Susan and, my neighbour on-deck, Mark. I think it'd be worthwhile to make the effort to meet and talk with total strangers regularly. Without the 'traveling across the continent costume' it might be hard... but it is so rewarding. I find young people often appreciative of the attention and respect you show them while they execute their summer jobs. They are our future and taking pride in what they do would not be a terrible habit to inculcate. Among the many things we talk about, Mark and I concur on the importance of seizing the day ...what was the other quote? Something about life is what happens while we are busy making plans. This trip has certainly thought me that. Mentally I had 'wrapped up the trip' as I tooled down the road in Minesota and maybe my steed gave up as well....or perhaps felt there was time yet for one more adventure. My Minesota experience has been limited to Mark, Jon and Brian ...but, and this is no complaint, I keep encountering terrific people. Clearly I was at their mercy, but everyone went that extra mile. That effortless generosity (and this includes Megan and her network from home) humbles me.
Mark had suggested Pronto Pups in Grand Haven and so that was l
unch, followed by a little choco sundae before I aim the Uly east. I make it to Toledo at 11; sometimes running into rainshowers, others running after rainbows. At a nearby watering hole backup duckie runs away.
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